On most days, subscribers receive 0–12 issues per day, on rare occasions a few more.
Subscribers who wish to leave Lowlands-L are expected to sign off themselves. (Send the message “signoff lowlands-l” to listserv@listserv.linguistlist.org. Instructions are found in the footer of each issue and in the manual.)
Lowlands-L deals with a *group* of languages and cultures. This is not the list for you if you are interested in only one of the languages. Language learners are likely to find subscription useful, although language teaching is not within the intended purpose of this list.
You'll be ignored if you provide a fake name or just initials. However, if you can prove that you are a public or otherwise well-known figure that requires anonymity, we will subscribe you under an alternative name of your choice and will guard your true identity with our lives.
Make sure you give us your whole address, everything before and behind @! Your address will only be known to other List members when you post anything. It will not be visible in the archives.
yes no
yes no not under-aged
What you hope to gain from being a subscriber to Lowlands-L: